True, we have a lot coming at us right now – and those that really want to will figure it out and grow through this mess. They rest? They are probably already gone and just don’t know it yet.
Let’s get back to having fun – it is a necessary component of life and especially when things get rough. And trying to figure out who’s going to pay us and how much and how to demonstrate that we have the value that warrants payment is definitely rough! Getting on a track for success when we don’t know where the track is actually going is a challenge so why not have fun training it in the process. Train the objections, train all the possible responses, the value proposition etc.
All of us could do to laugh at ourselves more – and in a group it can be contagious. I remember back in the 2008 mess morale and production were both low – one of my clients put a putting ‘green’ in one hallway so agents could take a break and lighten up. You’ll have your own ways to address levity and I say do it!
Then get back to figuring all of this out…