Online real estate agent rankings will be a big issue for the industry. When the industry finally gets around to fully addressing this issue in response to the consumer – not what the industry wants to address – there will be no place to hide for unskilled agents or for companies who are not preparing them.
So the question remains, how are you preparing?
The ability to price correctly is paramount in these rankings – Days on Market – % of Listings Sold – and the difference between the actual sales price and ORIGINAL list price – these stats are black and white – no fuzzy math here.
These rankings will level the playing field – large companies will no longer stand based on that fact alone – their results matter. Agent rankings will allow small companies to very effectively compete with large companies – all based on the ability to demonstrate that you can get the job done.
These rankings have the potential to be a paradigm shift for the real estate industry – raising the bar for demonstrated skills and professionalism in ways the industry still doesn’t seem to get.
If you are paying attention, start tracking your ‘numbers’ now – by company, by office and by individual agent. Next get you training and coaching in line and measure your progress.
All of this has a way of showing up on your bottom line and more importantly, as value in the eyes of the buyers and sellers we serve.