I know we put most of our effort into the business plan at the beginning of each year. We’re all going to make a million dollars and lose twenty pounds. Then we take our measure at mid year, turns out to be a different story. At least, it’s reality.
We can diagnose from real numbers. We can focus our training efforts and coaching to address those numbers. We can affect results and change.
I once worked with s large company whose production numbers were on target, however their bottom line was way off. I analyzed their ‘numbers’ and what made the difference was their average rate of commission was lower than projected – and the result was negative thousands of dollars to their bottom line.
We focused our training on handling commission objections for the next quarter and turned it around.
If and when you hold Mid Year Reviews for management and/or agents, recognize achievement and growth and turn your efforts to fixing the negatives. You will see your efforts on your bottom line.