The Importance of Training Programs in Real Estate Companies

Jun 16, 2013

Training is the area behind which the real estate industry should be putting its collective muscle. Any strategy for long-term growth must align with the needs and wants of the consumer. Real estate must get better at what it does – on all levels. Real estate companies must improve the delivery of services, and multi-office companies must strive for consistency within all offices.

Ultimately, training programs and requirements reflect what a company believes about the importance of customer service. The ability to teach agents to build and grow their business begins in the company’s training program. Strong training strengthens recruiting and retention efforts. Management must roll up their sleeves, demonstrate their expertise and become an integral part of every agent’s business. If this is not evident and credible to agents, why should they work for you?

I still hear directives such as, “Our goal is to increase our market share by 20% this year”. Or “If you don’t produce more, you’re gone.” This is the stuff failure is made of – anybody can talk. Just talking has nothing to do with leadership and skilled management. Where is the how? Where is the concerted effort directed toward the increases?

The philosophy to “train as if your profit depends on it” is one on which the real estate industry should spend time.